Side Show Bob’s Painting

The Painting Specialists

Quality Commercial & Residential Painting

We are your trusted full-service painting contractor, specialising in high-quality interior and exterior commercial and residential painting.

About Side Show Bob’s Painting

Side Show Bob’s Painting Process


Reach out and say hello!


Bob pays a visit to scope out the job – cue the Sherlock Holmes hat!


Bob crunches the numbers and sends you a quote. No tricks, just honest pricing.


Quote approved? Woo-hoo! Send the deposit and let the painting begin!


Sit back while Bob works his magic, transforming your space. Voila!


Time for the awards ceremony! Your project deserves a standing ovation – and perhaps a fancy trophy too! Thanks Bob!

Over A Decade Of Awards

Check out all the awards we’ve won over the years!

View Our Awards

Dulux Protective Coating & Industrial

New Interior Small Commercial

Rework Interior Contemporary

Rework Exterior Contemporary

Commercial Rework Exterior Contemporary

Commercial Rework Exterior Contemporary

Commercial Rework Interior Contemporary

Residential Rework Exterior Character

Residential Rework Interior Character

Residential Rework Wall Coverings

Dulux Protective Coatings and Industrial

Commercial Rework Interior Contemporary

Residential Wall Coverings Rework

Community Award Individual Member

Residential New Exterior Over $25k

Residential New Timber

Residential New Exterior Over $25k

New Residential Wall Coverings

Commercial Rework Exterior Character

Commercial Rework Interior Contemporary

Best Member Advert Taumarunui Shears Sponsorship

Commercial Rework Contemporary

Best Community Goodwill Project

Best Community Goodwill Project

Residential New Interior Over $25k

Residential Master Painter of the Year

Residential New Interior Under $25k

Residential Rework Exterior Contemporary

Commercial Rework Exterior Character

Residential New Exterior Under $25k

Residential Rework Exterior Contemporary

Special Effects

Residential New Exterior

Side Show Bob’s Painting Services

Surface Preparation

Painting Services

Additional Services


Surface Preparation:

Surface Preparation:

Water Blasting

Prep before paint or for cleaning moss and mould.

Lead Stripping

Side Show Bob's Painting is a certified contractor for safe lead removal.

We use a New Zealand-made, world-first wet sanding system, where lead paint dust and flakes are captured on matting placed on the ground, while water flows through the matting. The matting and paint debris are then bagged and properly disposed of.

Painting Services:

Painting Services:

House Painting

Complete interior and exterior painting for any residential properties.

Industrial and Commercial Buildings

Painting services for small, big, or large structures.

Farm Work

Painting services for houses old and new. maintenance painting, woolsheds, barns, chillers, fences, the whole lot!

Spray Painting

Specialising in house and roof painting (sprayed roofs look like new Coloursteel!)

Additional Services:

Additional Services:

Wallpaper Installation

Professional wallpaper preparation and installation services.


Transform flooring and tabletops with durable epoxy coatings.


With an impressive range of cutting-edge equipment (two of which are world-first, New Zealand-designed machines), we take pride in being a full-service painting company.

Here are just a few highlights of what sets us apart:

Water Powered Sanders

Side Show Bob uses a New Zealand-designed world-first water-powered sander, great for lead removal projects.

Knuckle Boom

18m reach, great for cleaning chimneys, water blasting, changing windsocks, farm work and commercial buildings or any larger project, making the job both faster and safer.


Electric sanders equipped with vacuum systems ensure a clean and dust-free site.

We will never leave deadly lead dust lying around at your property.

Edge Protection

Ensuring safety with the correct gear while working on roofs. We can erect edge protection, including harnesses and Edge Pro, for builders and plumbers to use as well.

Airless Spray Guns

Utilising cutting-edge spray gun technology to achieve impeccable finishes, we offer a range of both petrol-powered and electric spray guns to suit various scenarios.